Alternator Bit Socket 1\/2\": M10x110L<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1310,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":4102,"product_id":1441,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":3,"description":"1\/2 Bit socket set","image_file":"r\/717\/306402__84453.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1441\/images\/4102\/306402__84453.1628019196.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1441\/images\/4102\/306402__84453.1628019196.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1441\/images\/4102\/306402__84453.1628019196.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1441\/images\/4102\/306402__84453.1628019196.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2021-08-03T19:33:16+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1769,"name":"Metric Impact Socket Set 3\/4\", 33-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"403301K","description":"When the 1\/2\" impact wrench is not enough, we have you covered with our 33-piece 3\/4\" impact socket set. Sonic's impact sockets are made from CR440 steel, offering excellent impact-resistance while still combatting elements with stainless properties. In this set, you receive shallow 6-PT impact sockets from 19mm-46mm. Deep-well 6-PT impact sockets cover the same range, 19mm-46mm. Included is also a 3\/4\" universal joint, a 6-inch extension, and different size adaptors to offer even more flexibility for sockets. (403301, 403301-CE)<\/p>
Details:<\/strong><\/p> - Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Impact Socket 3\/4\", 6PT: 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 41, 46mm<\/li>
- Impact Deep Socket 3\/4\", 6PT: 90mml, 3\"(L) - 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 30 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 41, 46<\/li>
- Impact Adaptor: 3\/4\"(F) x 1\/2\"(M)<\/li>
- Impact Adaptor: 3\/4\"(F) x 1\"(M) PIN<\/li>
- Impact Extension 3\/4\": 150mml, 6\"(L)<\/li>
- Impact Universal Joint 3\/4\": 90mml, 3.5\"(L) (ball) <\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1910,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":4123,"product_id":1769,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":3,"description":"Sonic 3\/4\" Impact Sockets","image_file":"n\/478\/403301_with_print__60745.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1769\/images\/4123\/403301_with_print__60745.1582818314.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1769\/images\/4123\/403301_with_print__60745.1582818314.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1769\/images\/4123\/403301_with_print__60745.1582818314.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1769\/images\/4123\/403301_with_print__60745.1582818314.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-02-27T15:45:14+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2350,"name":"Metric Impact Socket Set 3\/8\" 1\/2\", 73-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"307302k","description":"
Sonic's impact sockets are made from CR440 steel, offering excellent impact-resistance while still combatting the elements with its stainless properties. This 73-piece kit covers the field in 3\/8\" and 1\/2\" sockets, from 8mm-32mm in both shallow and deep-well sockets. Adapters, universal-joints, and extensions ensure that you have everything you need in one place, whether you're arming them with a 1\/4\", 3\/8\", or 1\/2\" impact or ratchet. (307302, 307302-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Impact Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19mm<\/li>
- Impact Deep Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19mm<\/li>
- Impact Extension 3\/8\": 75mmL, 3\"(L)<\/li>
- Impact Universal Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Impact Adaptor: 3\/8\"(F) x 1\/4\"(M)<\/li>
- Impact Adaptor: 3\/8\"(F) x 1\/2\"(M)<\/li>
- Bit Holder: 3\/8\"(F) x 1\/4\"(F)<\/li>
- Impact Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 26, 27 28, 29, 30, 32mm<\/li>
- Deep Impact Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2122, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32mm<\/li>
- Impact Extension 1\/2\": 75, 125, 250mml<\/li>
- Impact Universal Joint 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Impact Adaptor: 1\/2\"(F) x 3\/8\"(M)<\/li>
- Impact Adaptor: 1\/2\"(F) x 3\/4\"(M)<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1090,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":4124,"product_id":2350,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":4,"description":"Sonic 3\/8\" & 1\/2\" Impact Socket Set","image_file":"k\/225\/307302_v2_1__76183.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2350\/images\/4124\/307302_v2_1__76183.1582818596.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2350\/images\/4124\/307302_v2_1__76183.1582818596.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2350\/images\/4124\/307302_v2_1__76183.1582818596.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2350\/images\/4124\/307302_v2_1__76183.1582818596.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-02-27T15:49:56+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2918,"name":"Metric Socket & Screwdriver Set 1\/4\", 78-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"107801K","description":"
Sonic screwdrivers include ergonomic plastic handles with a rubber overmold for comfort and grip. It consists of Philips 0-3 and slotted 3-8mm. The door panel removal tools and the scraper include the same handle as the screwdrivers. A 10-piece Hex-key set ranges in size from 1.25-10mm, including a folding case to keep them tidy. Sonic sockets and bits are made from Chrome Vanadium steel, including E-Torx and Hex-keys. This set comes with a 1\/4\" universal joint, a fixed ratchet along with 3 extensions, a hand ratcheting spinner, and nut-driver style driver finishes this set. (SKU: 107801, 107801-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- PH Screwdriver: PH.0, PH.1, PH.2<\/li>
- Slotted Screwdriver: 3, 4, 5.5, 6.5, 8mm<\/li>
- PH Hammer Go-Through Screwdriver: 1, 2<\/li>
- Slotted Hammer Go-Through Screwdriver: 5.5, 6.5, 8mm<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/4\", 6PT Shallow: 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- TX Socket Shallow 1\/4\": E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E10<\/li>
- Hex Ball Long Key Set 10-PCS<\/li>
- Flexible Ratchet 1\/4\": 45 Teeth<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 1\/4\"<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/4\": 45 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 1\/4\": 2\", 4\", 6\"<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/4\"<\/li>
- Spinner 1\/4\"<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/4\": 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 1\/4\": T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX Tamperproof 1\/4\": T6H, T7H, T8H, T9H, T10H, T15H, T20H, T25H, T27H, T30H, T40H<\/li>
- Bit PH 5\/16\", 30mmL: PH.1, PH.2, PH.3<\/li>
- Bit PH 5\/16\", 30mmL: PZ.2, PZ.3<\/li>
- Bit Slotted 5\/16\", 30mmL: 8, 10, 12mm<\/li>
- Door Upholstery Panel Remover 110mmL 9\"<\/li>
- Scraper 10\"<\/li>
- Pry Bar 300mm 12\"<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":635,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":240,"4":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":6346,"product_id":2918,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"socket screwdriver set","image_file":"y\/160\/107801__80815.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2918\/images\/6346\/107801__80815.1704223363.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2918\/images\/6346\/107801__80815.1704223363.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2918\/images\/6346\/107801__80815.1704223363.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2918\/images\/6346\/107801__80815.1704223363.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:22:43+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1133,"name":"Metric Socket Screwdrivers & TX Grip Key Set, 21-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"602104K","description":"
Our Hex ball grip tools offer a combination of T-Handle and L-handle tools. You get the long-reach of the T-Handle and the short L-Handle for more torque fasteners. Elliptical shaped ergonomic handles are made from chemical resistant plastic with a rubber overmold and highlighted with the embedded Sonic logo. Includes Hex sizes in 2, 2.5, 3-12mm. Nut drivers include ergonomic tri-lobe plastic handles with a rubber overmold for comfort and grip. Chrome Vanadium shafts ensure durability for years of use. Nut drivers in this 21-piece set run from 4mm-13mm, with the 7 and 8mm being flexible shaft nut drivers. (602104, 602104-CE)<\/p>
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION<\/h2> - Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Hex Ball Point Grip Key: 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12mm<\/li>
- Hex Nut Driver: 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Flexible Hex Nut Driver: 7, 8mm<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":440,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":240},"images":{"image0":{"id":4144,"product_id":1133,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":3,"description":"","image_file":"g\/653\/602104__09844.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1133\/images\/4144\/602104__09844.1600438482.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1133\/images\/4144\/602104__09844.1600438482.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1133\/images\/4144\/602104__09844.1600438482.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1133\/images\/4144\/602104__09844.1600438482.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-09-18T14:14:42+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2399,"name":"Metric Socket Set 1\/4\" 3\/8\" 1\/2\", 111-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"311101K","description":"
Get your 1\/4\", 3\/8\", and 1\/2\" ratchets and sockets all in one medium CNC-machined foam tray with this Sonic 111-piece set. On the 1\/4\" side this set includes shallow sockets from 4mm-13mm, Hex bits from 3mm-7mm, 10IPR-40IPR, Torx from T10-T40, and tamperproof Torx T10H to T40H, ratchet, extensions, and a universal joint. (311101, 311101K)<\/p>
Details:<\/strong><\/p> - Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/4\": 45 Teeth<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 1\/4\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/4\"<\/li>
- Extension 1\/4\": 50mmL, 100mmL, 2\"(L), 4\"(L)<\/li>
- Adaptor 3\/8\"(F) x 1\/4\"(M)<\/li>
- Bit Socket PH 1\/4\": PH.2<\/li>
- Bit Socket Slotted 1\/4\": 5.5mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/4\": 3, 4, 5, 6, 7<\/li>
- Tamper-Resistant 1\/4\", TX Plus (5 lobes): 10IPR, 15PR, 20IPR, 25IPR, 27IPR, 30IPR, 40IPR<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 1\/4\": T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX Tamperproof 1\/4\": T10H, T15H, T20H, T25H, T27H, T30H, T40H<\/li>
- Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19<\/li>
- Deep Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT:8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 3\/8\": 45 Teeth<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 3\/8\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Universal Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Extension 3\/8\": 75mmL, 150mmL, 3\"(L), 6\"(L)<\/li>
- Adaptor for Extension 1\/2\"(F) x 3\/8\"(M)<\/li>
- Spark Plug Clip Socket 12-PT 3\/8\": 14mm<\/li>
- Spark Plug Socket 3\/8\": 16, 18, 21<\/li>
- Grow Plug Socket 3\/8\": 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/2\": 45 Teeth<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Sliding T-Handle 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Extension 1\/2\": 125mmL, 250mmL, 5\", 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Adaptor for Extension: 3\/8\"(F) x 1\/2\"(M)<\/li>
- Grow Plug Pliers Bent: 240mmL, 9.5\"(L)<\/li>
- Spark Plug Pliers: 290mmL, 11.5\"(L)<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1690,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":4104,"product_id":2399,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":3,"description":"socket set","image_file":"z\/795\/311101__22974.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2399\/images\/4104\/311101__22974.1588621666.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2399\/images\/4104\/311101__22974.1588621666.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2399\/images\/4104\/311101__22974.1588621666.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2399\/images\/4104\/311101__22974.1588621666.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-05-04T19:47:46+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":223,"name":"Metric Socket Set 1\/4\" 3\/8\" 1\/2\", 139-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"313902K","description":"
Sonic ratchets are made from Chrome Vanadium steel, polished to a satin finish, while the handles have a comfortable and ergonomic round rubber handle. Sockets are also made from Chrome Vanadium and bits are made from hardened tool steel. The 139-piece Sonic Set includes ratchets and sockets from 1\/4\", 3\/8\", and 1\/2\" drive sizes. <\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Flank Deep Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Ratchet 1\/4\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 1\/4\": 50, 100mml<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/4\"<\/li>
- Spinner 1\/4\": 150mml<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/4\": 3, 4, 5, 6, 7mm<\/li>
- Tamper-Resistant 1\/4\" TX Plus (5 lobes): 10IPR, 15IPR, 20IPR, 25IPR, 27IPR, 30IPR, 40IPR, 45IPR<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 1\/4\": T6, T7, T8, T9, T10<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX Tamperproof 1\/4\": T6H, T7H, T8H, T9H, T10H<\/li>
- Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19mm<\/li>
- Ratchet 3\/8\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 3\/8\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Universal Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Spark Plug Socket 3\/8\": 16, 18, 21mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket PH 3\/8\": PH.2<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 3\/8\": 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 3\/8\": T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50<\/li>
- Bit Socket Tamperproof 3\/8\": T15H, T20H, T25H, T27H, T30H, T40H, T45H, T50H<\/li>
- Bit Socket Spline 3\/8\": M4, M5, M6, M8, M9, M10, M12<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32mm<\/li>
- Ratchet 1\/2\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 1\/2\": 125, 250mml<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/2\" <\/li>
- Adaptor for Extension: 3\/8\"(F) x 1\/2(M)<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/2\": 10, 12, 14, 17mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 1\/2\": T55, T60, T70<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX Tamperproof 1\/2\": T55H, T60H, T70H<\/li>
- Bit Socket Spline 1\/2\": M10, M12, M14, M16<\/li>
- Bit Socket Spline 1\/2\": M16-T<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1475,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":8638,"product_id":223,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"","image_file":"i\/278\/313902_base_image__97925.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/223\/images\/8638\/313902_base_image__97925.1724251759.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/223\/images\/8638\/313902_base_image__97925.1724251759.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/223\/images\/8638\/313902_base_image__97925.1724251759.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/223\/images\/8638\/313902_base_image__97925.1724251759.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-08-21T14:49:19+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":478,"name":"Metric Socket Set 1\/4\" 3\/8\" 1\/2\", 160-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"316001K","description":"
In addition to all the ratchets and sockets, this 160-piece set includes Hex and Torx socket bits for your 1\/4\" ratchet. Furthermore, this set keeps on giving with a 9-piece Torx-key set and a 10-piece Hex-key (Allen) set. Rounding out this tray are the 1\/4\" bits for use with your T-Handle or nut-driver handle, in both 1-inch and extended bits. (SKU: 316001, 316001-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 3, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Flank Deep Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ,11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21mm<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32mm<\/li>
- Key Wrench TX Extra Long Set 9-PCS: T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50<\/li>
- Hex Ball Key Set Extra Long 10-PCS: 1.27, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm<\/li>
- Spinner 1\/4\": 150mmL, 6\"(L)<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/4\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 1\/4\": 50, 100mml, 2\"(L), 4\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/4\"<\/li>
- Bit Socket 1\/4\" PH: PH.1, PH.2<\/li>
- Bit Socket 1\/4\" Hex: 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket 1\/4\" TX: T8, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40<\/li>
- Bit Socket Spline 1\/4\": M4, M5, M6, M8, M10<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 3\/8\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Sliding T-Hanlde 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Extension 3\/8\": 75, 250mml<\/li>
- Universal Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Bit Holder: 3\/8\"(F) x 10mm(F)<\/li>
- Spark Plug Socket 3\/8\": 16, 21mm<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/2\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 1\/2\": 125, 250mml, 5\", 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Bit Holder: 1\/2\"(F) x 10mm(F)<\/li>
- Bit Hex: 10mm, 30mmL, 1\"(L) - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12<\/li>
- Bit Hex: 10mm, 75mmL, 3\"(L) - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12<\/li>
- Bit TX: 10mm, 30mmL - T20, T25, T30, T40, T45, T50, T55, T60<\/li>
- Bit TX: 10mm, 75mmL - T20, T25, T30, T40, T45, T50, T55, T60<\/li>
- Bit Spline: 10mm, 30mmL, 1\"(L) - M5, M6, M8, M10, M12<\/li>
- Bit Spline: 10mm, 75mmL, 3\"(L) - M5, M6, M8, M10, M12<\/li> <\/ul>
<\/p>","calculated_price":1475,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":4117,"product_id":478,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"1\/4, 3\/8, 1\/2\" Socket set","image_file":"d\/039\/316001__76522.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/478\/images\/4117\/316001__76522.1704222990.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/478\/images\/4117\/316001__76522.1704222990.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/478\/images\/4117\/316001__76522.1704222990.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/478\/images\/4117\/316001__76522.1704222990.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:16:30+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":989,"name":"Metric Socket Set 1\/4\" 3\/8\" 1\/2\", 93-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"309302K","description":"
This Sonic 93-piece metric set is a great start on covering all your bases for metric fasteners. Sockets in 1\/4\", 3\/8\", and 1\/2\" range from 5mm-32mm in shallow and deep-well flank sockets. Hex-bit sockets cover sizes 10mm-19mm, along with T8-T45 Torx, and IPR from 15IPR-30IPR. Sonic ratchets and sockets are made from Chrome Vanadium steel while socket bits are made from hardened tool steel. The flank sockets have reliefs in the corners, allowing the socket to bite into the flats of the fastener, mitigating the chance of stripping. This kit provides you with a 1\/4\", 3\/8\", and 1\/2\" drive ratchet along with multiple extensions in each drive-size. You also get two disc ratchets in 1\/4\" and 3\/8\" for those tough-to-reach fasteners. (309302, 309302-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Flank Deep Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21mm<\/li>
- Flank Deep Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21mm<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32mm<\/li>
- Flank Deep Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32mm<\/li>
- Tamper-Resistant 1\/4\", TX Plus (5 lobes): 15IPR, 20IPR, 25IPR, 30IPR<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 3\/8\": T8, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/2\": 10, 12, 14, 17, 19mm<\/li>
- Hex Ball Extra Long Key Set 10-PCS: 1.27, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm<\/li>
- Rotor Ratchet 1\/4\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 1\/4\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 1\/4\": 50, 100, 150mml, 2\"(L), 4\"(L), 6\"(L)<\/li>
- Rotor Ratchet 3\/8\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 3\/8\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 3\/8\": 44, 75, 150, 250mml, 2\"(L), 3\"(L), 6\"(L), 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Ball Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Adaptor for Extension: 1\/2\"(F) x 3\/8\"(M)<\/li>
- Rotor Ratchet 1\/2\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 1\/2\": 125, 250mml, 5\", 10\"(L)<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1145,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":235,"4":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":4147,"product_id":989,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"socket set","image_file":"i\/604\/309302__47283.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/989\/images\/4147\/309302__47283.1704223082.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/989\/images\/4147\/309302__47283.1704223082.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/989\/images\/4147\/309302__47283.1704223082.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/989\/images\/4147\/309302__47283.1704223082.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:18:02+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":3099,"name":"Metric Socket Set 1\/4\" 3\/8\", 157-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"215702K","description":"
These 1\/4\" ratchets offer flexibility with a standard ratchet and two different flex-head ratchets. There's also a 3\/8\" ratchet for those larger sizes and increased torque fasteners. Three spark-plug sockets come in 16, 18, and 21mm. For those tighter areas, this kit also includes two disc ratchets in 1\/4\" and 3\/8\". The 9-piece Torx-key set and a 10-piece Hex-key (Allen) sets are front-and-center when needed. (SKU: 215702, 215702-CE)<\/p>
Additional Information<\/h2> - Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Flank Deep Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Socket TX 1\/4\": E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E10<\/li>
- Deep Socket TX 1\/4\": E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E10<\/li>
- Hex Ball Key Set Extra Long 10-PCS: 1.27, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm<\/li>
- TX Key Set Extra Long 9-PCS: T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50<\/li>
- Flexible Ratchet 1\/4\": 45 Teeth <\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 1\/4\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/4\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/4\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 1\/4\": 50, 100, 150mml, 2\"(L), 4\"(L), 6\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/4\"<\/li>
- Magnet Socket Pick-Up 1\/4\"<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/4\": 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8mm<\/li>
- Tamper-Resistant 1\/4\", TX Plus (5 lobes): 10IPR, 15IPR, 20IPR, 25IPR, 27IPR, 30IPR, 40IPR<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 1\/4\": T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T15, T20, T25<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX Tamperproof 1\/4\": T6H, T7H, T8H, T9H, T10H, T15H, T20H, T25H<\/li>
- Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22mm<\/li>
- Socket 3\/8\", TX: E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E10, E11, E12, E14<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 3\/8\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 3\/8\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 3\/8\": 75, 150, 250mml, 3\"(L), 6\"(L), 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Adaptor for Extension: 1\/2\"(F) x 3\/8\"(M)<\/li>
- Spark Plug Socket 3\/8\": 16, 18, 21mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 3\/8\": 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 3\/8\": T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50, T55<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX Tamperproof 3\/8\": T15H, T20H, T25H, T27H, T30H, T40H, T45H, T50H, T55H<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1690,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":8618,"product_id":3099,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"","image_file":"f\/886\/215702__44386.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3099\/images\/8618\/215702__44386.1718828466.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3099\/images\/8618\/215702__44386.1718828466.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3099\/images\/8618\/215702__44386.1718828466.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3099\/images\/8618\/215702__44386.1718828466.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-06-19T20:21:06+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":299,"name":"Metric Socket Set 1\/4\", 3\/8\", 142-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"214201K","description":"
Four 1\/4\" extensions and three 3\/8\" extensions ensure that you have all the length you need to reach the fastener. Additional universal-joints and adapters offer tons of flexibility. Three spark-plug sockets in 16mm, 18mm, and 21mm covers most of the manufacturer's spark plug configurations. Finally, E-torx, Torx, and Hex-key socket bits complete the set. (SKU: 214201)<\/p>\r\n
\r\n- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>\r\n
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>\r\n
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>\r\n
- Flank Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 3, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14<\/li>\r\n
- Flank Deep Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13<\/li>\r\n
- Socket 1\/4\" TX: E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E10<\/li>\r\n
- Ratcheting Handle 1\/4\": 45 Teeth<\/li>\r\n
- Sliding T-Handle 1\/4\"<\/li>\r\n
- Universal Joint 1\/4\"<\/li>\r\n
- Extension 1\/4\": 50mmL,100mmL,150mmL, 2\"(L), 4\"(L), 6\"(L)<\/li>\r\n
- Wobble Extension 1\/4\": 250mmL, 10\"(L) <\/li>\r\n
- Cardan Socket 1\/4\", TX: E8<\/li>\r\n
- Adaptor: 1\/4\"(F) x 3\/8\"(M)<\/li>\r\n
- Magnet Socket Pick-Up 1\/4\"<\/li>\r\n
- Spinner 1\/4\" 150mmL, 6\"(L)<\/li>\r\n
- Bit Socket PH 1\/4\": PH.1, PH.2, PH.3<\/li>\r\n
- Bit Socket Slotted 1\/4\": 4, 5.5, 6.5<\/li>\r\n
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/4\": 3, 4, 5, 6, 8<\/li>\r\n
- Bit Socket TX 1\/4\": T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40<\/li>\r\n
- Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22<\/li>\r\n
- Deep Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21<\/li>\r\n
- Socket 3\/8\" TX: E5, E6, E7, E8, E10, E11, E12, E14<\/li>\r\n
- Flexible Ratchet 3\/8\": 45 teeth<\/li>\r\n
- Ratchet Handle 3\/8\": 45 teeth<\/li>\r\n
- Extension 3\/8\": 75mmL, 150mmL, 250mmL, 3\"(L), 6\"(L), 10\"(L)<\/li>\r\n
- Cardan Socket TX 3\/8\": E10<\/li>\r\n
- Cardan Socket 3\/8\": 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16<\/li>\r\n
- Universal Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>\r\n
- Adaptor: 3\/8\"(F) x 1\/4\"(M)<\/li>\r\n
- Adaptor: 1\/2\"(F) x 3\/8\"(M)<\/li>\r\n
- Spark Plug 3\/8\" Clip Socket: 16, 18, 21<\/li>\r\n
- Bit Socket Hex 3\/8\": 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10<\/li>\r\n
- Bit Socket TX 3\/8\": T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50, T55<\/li>\r\n
- Bit Socket TX 3\/8\": 90mmL, 3.5\"(L) - T25<\/li>\r\n
- Bit Socket Spline 3\/8\": M4, M5, M6, M8, M9, M10, M12<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","calculated_price":1585,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":5859,"product_id":299,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":4,"description":"Sonic Socket Combo Set 1\/4\", 3\/8\"","image_file":"a\/089\/214201_v4-20191112_copy__91981.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/299\/images\/5859\/214201_v4-20191112_copy__91981.1617637296.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/299\/images\/5859\/214201_v4-20191112_copy__91981.1617637296.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/299\/images\/5859\/214201_v4-20191112_copy__91981.1617637296.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/299\/images\/5859\/214201_v4-20191112_copy__91981.1617637296.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2021-04-05T15:41:36+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1798,"name":"Metric Socket Set 3\/8\" 1\/2\", 101-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"310101K","description":"
Five extensions and a universal joint ensure that you have the right reach for just about any fastener. Even adapters for 3\/8\" x 1\/2\" and 1\/2\" x 3\/8\" allow you to use the ratchet and socket for the job. A 3\/8\" disc ratchet gives you even more flexibility for tight areas. In addition to regular sockets in 3\/8\" and 1\/2\", this 101-piece set also includes three spark-plug sockets in 16, 18, and 21mm. Finishing up the set, E-torx bits from E4-E24, Torx bits from T15-T55, security Torx from T15H-T55H, and Hex bits from 3mm-10mm are included. (310101, 310101-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22mm<\/li>
- Socket TX 3\/8\": E4 E5, E6, E7, E8, E10, E11, E12, E14<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 3\/8\": 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 3\/8\": T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50, T55<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX Tamperproof 3\/8\": T15H, T20H, T25H, T27H, T30H, T40H, T45H, T50H, T55H<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 3\/8\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 3\/8\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 3\/8\": 75, 150, 250mml, 3\"(L), 6\"(L), 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Adaptor for Extensions: 1\/2\"(F) x 3\/8\"(M)<\/li>
- Spark Plug Socket 3\/8\": 16, 18, 21mm<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32mm<\/li>
- Socket TX 1\/2\": E10, E11, E12, E14, E16, E18, E20, E22, E24<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/2\": 60 Teeth <\/li>
- Extension 1\/2\": 125, 250mml, 5\", 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Adaptor for Extensions: 3\/8\"(F) x 1\/2\"(M)<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":875,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":6556,"product_id":1798,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"3\/8 and 1\/2\" socket set","image_file":"i\/130\/310101_v3-20191112_copy__20984.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1798\/images\/6556\/310101_v3-20191112_copy__20984.1704223217.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1798\/images\/6556\/310101_v3-20191112_copy__20984.1704223217.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1798\/images\/6556\/310101_v3-20191112_copy__20984.1704223217.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1798\/images\/6556\/310101_v3-20191112_copy__20984.1704223217.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:20:17+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":213,"name":"Metric Wrench Set, 24-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"602406K","description":"
Get your wrench collection started with this Sonic 24-piece Metric wrench set. Included are twelve ratcheting wrenches with a reversible lever, for switching directions without removing the wrench. Sizes include 8mm-19mm. Sonic wrenches are made from Chrome Vanadium steel for durability with excellent resistance to the elements and chemicals. Finishing the set (SKU: 602406) are twelve 75-degree offset closed-end wrenches from 6mm-36mm. (602406, 602406-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Ring Wrench 75° Offset, Bi-Hex: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19mm <\/li>
- Reversible Gear Wrench Set, Bi-Hex: 6X7, 8X9, 10X11, 12X13, 14X15, 16X17, 18X19, 20X22, 21X23, 24X27, 25X28, 34X36<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":875,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":242},"images":{"image0":{"id":6129,"product_id":213,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":2,"description":"sonic wrench set","image_file":"y\/181\/602406__01378.png","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/213\/images\/6129\/602406__01378.1631136233.1280.1280.png?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/213\/images\/6129\/602406__01378.1631136233.386.513.png?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/213\/images\/6129\/602406__01378.1631136233.220.290.png?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/213\/images\/6129\/602406__01378.1631136233.44.58.png?c=2","date_modified":"2021-09-08T21:23:53+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":506,"name":"Metric Wrench Set, 30-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"603002K","description":"
This 30-piece tool set is filled with Sonic combination wrenches including sizes from 8mm-19mm. Sonic wrenches are made from Chrome Vanadium steel for durability with excellent resistance to the elements and chemicals. Sonic's 30-piece set covers the Metric combo wrenches from 6mm-36mm. (603002, 603002-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Combination Wrench: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38mm<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1025,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":242},"images":{"image0":{"id":4151,"product_id":506,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":3,"description":"wrench set","image_file":"q\/536\/603002_with_print__94632.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/506\/images\/4151\/603002_with_print__94632.1605881660.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/506\/images\/4151\/603002_with_print__94632.1605881660.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/506\/images\/4151\/603002_with_print__94632.1605881660.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/506\/images\/4151\/603002_with_print__94632.1605881660.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-11-20T14:14:20+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1965,"name":"Metric Wrench Set, 40-PCS, Medium","sku":"604002K","description":"
All Sonic Tools wrenches are made from Chrome Vanadium steel that offer a of durability and resistance to weather and chemicals. Standard Sonic combination wrenches provide one open-end and one box-end, in sizes from 6mm-32mm. Double open-end wrenches offer two sizes for each wrench from 6mm-32mm. Eight 75-degree offset box-end wrenches cover 16 different sizes from 6mm-22mm. Finally, ten double open-end wrenches offer a different size on each end from 6mm-32mm. Get your Metric wrench fill with just this one Sonic 40-piece set.<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Double Open Wrench: 6x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19, 20x22, 24x27, 30x32mm<\/li>
- Combination Wrench: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 30, 32mm<\/li>
- 75-Degree Offset Ring Wrench: 6x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19, 20x22mm<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":720,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":242},"images":{"image0":{"id":4150,"product_id":1965,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"","image_file":"j\/730\/604002_v2__39979.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1965\/images\/4150\/604002_v2__39979.1704223238.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1965\/images\/4150\/604002_v2__39979.1704223238.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1965\/images\/4150\/604002_v2__39979.1704223238.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1965\/images\/4150\/604002_v2__39979.1704223238.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:20:38+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2860,"name":"Metric Wrench Set, 47-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"604702K","description":"
In this 47-piece wrench set there are three half-moon wrenches deliver with a full 180-degrees from end-to-end. A set of stubby combination wrenches gets you access in really tight spots for fasteners from 8mm-17mm. All Sonic Tools wrenches are made from Chrome Vanadium steel that offers a of durability and resistance to weather and chemicals. Reversible ratcheting wrenches in sizes 8mm-19mm include a reversing lever that keeps your wrench on the fastener, even when changing directions. Finally, a set of double box-end wrenches and a set of flare nut wrenches complete this 47-piece set. (604702, 604702-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Foam Size: 29\" x 17\"<\/li>
- Flare Nut Wrench: 8X10, 11X13, 12X14, 16X18, 17X19, 19X22, 24X27, 30X32mm<\/li>
- Hinged Socket Wrench: 6X7, 8X9, 10X11, 12X13, 14X15, 16X17, 18X19mm<\/li>
- Reversible Ratcheting Wrench, 12PT: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19mm<\/li>
- Flat Double Ring Wrench: 6X7, 8X9, 10X11, 12X13, 14X15, 16X17, 18X19mm<\/li>
- Half-Moon Wrench: 10X12, 11X13, 14X17mm<\/li>
- Stubby Combination Wrench: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17mm<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1255,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":242},"images":{"image0":{"id":4155,"product_id":2860,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":3,"description":"sonic wrench set","image_file":"h\/413\/604702_v2__03035.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2860\/images\/4155\/604702_v2__03035.1588705335.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2860\/images\/4155\/604702_v2__03035.1588705335.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2860\/images\/4155\/604702_v2__03035.1588705335.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2860\/images\/4155\/604702_v2__03035.1588705335.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-05-05T19:02:15+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1533,"name":"Metric Wrench Set, 50-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"605001K","description":"
Sonic's 50-piece wrench set offers a ton of flexibility with several different types of wrenches in one kit. Double ended flare nut wrenches include one stationary end and one flexible end, ranging in sizes from 8mm-12mm. Hinged socket and hinged E-Torx wrenches offer the benefits of a socket with a different size on each end. Extra long combination wrenches offer an open-end and a box-end for access to just about any fastener. Completing the kit is a set of double box-end wrenches, a 9-PC Torx-key set, and a 10-PC Hex-key set. All Sonic Tool wrenches are made from Chrome Vanadium steel that offers a of durability and resistance to weather and chemicals. (605001, 605001-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flexible Flare Nut Wrench: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12mm<\/li>
- Hinged Driver: 1\/4\" - 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Hinged Socket Wrench: 8X9, 10X11, 12X13, 14X15, 16X17mm<\/li>
- Hinged TX Wrench: E6XE8, E10XE12, E14XE18<\/li>
- Combination Wrench Extra Long: 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19mm<\/li>
- Flat Double Ring Wrench: 6x7, 8x9, 10x11, 12x13, 14x15, 16x17, 18x19mm<\/li>
- Wrench TX Extra Long Key Set: T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50<\/li>
- Hex Ball Extra Long Key Set: 1.27, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1145,"categories":{"0":28,"2":242},"images":{"image0":{"id":4157,"product_id":1533,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":3,"description":"wrench set","image_file":"f\/976\/605001__44152.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1533\/images\/4157\/605001__44152.1588705494.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1533\/images\/4157\/605001__44152.1588705494.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1533\/images\/4157\/605001__44152.1588705494.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1533\/images\/4157\/605001__44152.1588705494.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-05-05T19:04:54+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":455,"name":"Plier & Utility Set, 23-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"602302K","description":"
Sonic pliers are made from tool steel, forged, and oil-hardened for performance and durability. Our adjustable pliers can be opened to your desired size and the locking pliers include locking jaws and an easy release lever. Our mini-sledge and machinist hammer include Italian hickory handles providing natural shock absorbing action. Our chisels and punches are made from precision tool steel and CNC machined for accuracy. Foam rubber handles are chemical resistant and a synthetic cap-ring protects your hand from any misaligned strikes. Lastly, files are made from durable carbon steel for long life and fast cutting. File handles mimic that of Sonic screwdrivers with chemical resistant plastic handles and rubber overmold for comfort and grip. This kit also contains the breakaway razor knife and measuring tape. (602302, 602302-CE))<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Combination Pliers 7\" (Germany)<\/li>
- Long Nose Pliers 8\" (Germany)<\/li>
- Bent Long Nose Pliers 8\" (Germany)<\/li>
- Diagonal Pliers 7\" (Germany)<\/li>
- Waterpump Pliers 10\" (Germany)<\/li>
- Locking Pliers 10\"<\/li>
- Grip Chisel: 190mml, 7.5\"(L) 18, 220mml, 8.6\"(L) 24<\/li>
- Grip Pin Punch: 150mml, 6\"(L) 3, 180mml, 7\"(L) 4, 200mml 8\"(L) 5, 210mml, 8.2\"(L) 6<\/li>
- Grip Taper Punch: 185mmL, 7.3\"(L) - 2, 3, 4<\/li>
- Machinist Hammer with Ash Handle: 512GR<\/li>
- Stoning Hammer with Ash Handle: 1106GR<\/li>
- 5m Measuring Tape<\/li>
- Utility Knife (including 10 blades)<\/li>
- Flat File 8\"<\/li>
- Half Round File 8\"<\/li>
- Round File 8\"<\/li>
- Triangular File 8\" <\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":720,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":243},"images":{"image0":{"id":4481,"product_id":455,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"chisel, hammer, plier set","image_file":"f\/254\/602302_v6__15075.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/455\/images\/4481\/602302_v6__15075.1704222984.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/455\/images\/4481\/602302_v6__15075.1704222984.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/455\/images\/4481\/602302_v6__15075.1704222984.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/455\/images\/4481\/602302_v6__15075.1704222984.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:16:24+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1353,"name":"Pliers Set, 12-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"601207K","description":"
Our 12-PCS Pliers Set is a must-have for any toolkit, offering a comprehensive range of pliers for various gripping and cutting tasks. Crafted with precision and durability, this set ensures reliable performance in diverse applications. (601207, 601207-CE)<\/p>
Additional Information:<\/h3> - 12-piece set for versatile gripping tasks<\/li>
- Crafted with precision for reliable performance<\/li>
- Comprehensive toolkit for various applications<\/li>
- Height: 74mm, total length: 570mm, width: 370mm <\/span><\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":590,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":243},"images":{"image0":{"id":4126,"product_id":1353,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"sonic plier set","image_file":"u\/183\/601207_v2__45100.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1353\/images\/4126\/601207_v2__45100.1704223144.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1353\/images\/4126\/601207_v2__45100.1704223144.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1353\/images\/4126\/601207_v2__45100.1704223144.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1353\/images\/4126\/601207_v2__45100.1704223144.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:19:04+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2975,"name":"Pliers Set, 23-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"602304K","description":"
Chisels and punches are made from precision tool steel and CNC machined for accuracy. Foam rubber handles are chemical resistant and a synthetic cap-ring protects your hand from any misaligned strikes. Various sizes and shapes ensure you have the right chisel for the job. Sonic pliers are made from tool steel, forged, and oil-hardened for performance and durability. Ergonomic grips provide comfort while maximizing grip. Our adjustable pliers can be opened to your desired size and the pliers include locking jaws and an easy release lever. Also, curved tip Circlip Pliers make removing snap-rings (circlips) a breeze. (602304, 602304-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Combination Pliers 7\" (Germany)<\/li>
- Long Nose Pliers 8\" (Germany)<\/li>
- Diagonal Pliers 7\" (Germany)<\/li>
- Waterpump Pliers 10\" (Germany)<\/li>
- Locking Pliers 10\"<\/li>
- Snap Ring Pliers, Bent-Open (Germany)<\/li>
- Automatic Wire Stripper 0.5-4mm<\/li>
- Wire Stripper 10\"<\/li>
- Grip Chisel: 170mmL, 6.7\"(L) 16, 190mmL 7.5\"(L) 18<\/li>
- Grip Cape Chisel 190mmL 7.5\"(L) 7 <\/li>
- Grip Pin Punch: 140mmL 5.5\"(L) 2, 150mmL 6\"(L) 3, 180mmL 7\"(L) 4, 200mmL 8\"(L) 5, 210mmL 8.2\"(L) 6, 220mmL 8.6\"(L) 8 <\/li>
- Grip Center Punch: 185mmL, 7.2\"(L) 4<\/li>
- Machinist Hammer; 400gr Italian Hickory Handle<\/li>
- Hammer with Nylon Tips; 400gr (1lb.) Italian Hickory Handle <\/li>
- Scraper<\/li>
- Steel Brush<\/li>
- Universal Wedge\" 190 x 30mm, 7.5\"(L) x 1.1\"(W)<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":875,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":243},"images":{"image0":{"id":4482,"product_id":2975,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":4,"description":"chisel, plier, hammer set","image_file":"h\/532\/602304_v5__83703.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2975\/images\/4482\/602304_v5__83703.1631136085.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2975\/images\/4482\/602304_v5__83703.1631136085.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2975\/images\/4482\/602304_v5__83703.1631136085.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2975\/images\/4482\/602304_v5__83703.1631136085.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2021-09-08T21:21:25+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1704,"name":"Pliers, Chisel, & Hammer Set, 14-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"601404","description":"
Sonic Machinist Hammer includes an Italian made hickory handle with natural shock absorbing action. The Chisels and Punches are made from precision tool steel and CNC machined for accuracy. Foam rubber handles are chemical resistant and a synthetic cap-ring protects your hand from any misaligned strikes. Various sizes and shapes ensure you have the right chisel for the job. Wrapping up this kit is a telescoping magnet good for picking up 10-lbs, a tape measure, and a breakaway razor knife with extra razors. (601604)<\/p>
- Tool sizes screen printed in foam<\/li>
- CNC machined and chemical resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li> <\/ul>
Contains:<\/h5> - COMBINATION PLIERS 7\"<\/li>
- LONG NOSE PLIERS 8\"<\/li>
- GRIP CHISEL 190MML 18<\/li>
- GRIP CHISEL 220MML 24<\/li>
- GRIP CHISEL 190MML 7<\/li>
- GRIP PIN PUNCH 180MML 4\"<\/li>
- GRIP PIN PUNCH 200MML 5\"<\/li>
- GRIP TAPER PUNCH 185MML 2\"<\/li>
- UTILITY KNIFE 6\"<\/li>
- MEASURING TAPE 16.4ft (5M)<\/li>
- MAGNET EXTENDABLE 7\"-31\" (10LBS.)<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":525,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":243},"images":{"image0":{"id":4474,"product_id":1704,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":1,"description":"chisel hammer plier set","image_file":"h\/068\/601404_v5__64341.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1704\/images\/4474\/601404_v5__64341.1600442469.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1704\/images\/4474\/601404_v5__64341.1600442469.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1704\/images\/4474\/601404_v5__64341.1600442469.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1704\/images\/4474\/601404_v5__64341.1600442469.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-09-18T15:21:09+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":3125,"name":"Pliers, Chisel, & Hammer Set, 17-PCS - MEDIUM","sku":"601707K","description":"
The hammers include Italian made hickory handles with natural shock absorbing action. Machined faces offer precision dead-blow striking action. Two Chisels are made from precision tool steel and CNC machined for accuracy. Foam rubber handles are chemical resistant and a synthetic cap-ring protects your hand from any misaligned strikes. Four files are made with durable carbon steel for long-life and performance and also include ergonomic handles. A tape measure, wire brush, and telescoping magnet finish up this 17-piece set. (601707, 601707-CE)<\/p>
- Tool sizes screen printed in foam<\/li>
- CNC machined and chemical resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li> <\/ul>
Contains:<\/h5> - LONG NOSE PLIERS 8\" (GERMANY)<\/li>
- LOCKING PLIERS 10\"<\/li>
- GRIP CHISEL 190MML, 7.5\"(L) 18, 220MML, 8.6\"(L) 24<\/li>
- FLAT FILE 8\" <\/li>
- HALF ROUND FILE 8\" <\/li>
- ROUND FILE 8\" <\/li>
- TRIANGULAR FILE 8\" <\/li>
- STEEL WIRE BRUSH<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":655,"categories":{"1":243},"images":{"image0":{"id":4477,"product_id":3125,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"Sonic 17 piece plier chisel hammer set","image_file":"i\/460\/601707_v4__12427.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3125\/images\/4477\/601707_v4__12427.1704223397.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3125\/images\/4477\/601707_v4__12427.1704223397.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3125\/images\/4477\/601707_v4__12427.1704223397.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3125\/images\/4477\/601707_v4__12427.1704223397.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:23:17+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":3430,"name":"Pry Removal Master Kit 27-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"602712","description":"
Made of high quality impact resistant nylon material, the pry trim removal kit does not damage or scratch the surface you are working on. It is extra slim and has a unique shape for delicate jobs. This set is available in the Sonic Foam System or a nylon roll case. (602712, 602712-CE)<\/p>
Details:<\/strong><\/p> - Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Foam Size: 22.44\" x 14.57\" <\/li>
- Made of glass-fiber, reinforced plastic in a roll-up bag<\/li>
- For interior linings, for the damage-free installation and removal of lining parts, plastic clips, rear view mirrors, etc., even for spots that are difficult to reach<\/li>
- Extra slim and unique shape for delicate jobs such as: removing small rivet or fine trims, bezels of dashboards, door panels, door locks, electronic seat controls, gear shifter, inner lining, etc.<\/li>
- Made of high quality impact resistant nylon material <\/li>
- Does not damage or scratch the surface <\/li>
- Height: 74mm, total length: 570mm, width: 370mm<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":185,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":244},"images":{"image0":{"id":5187,"product_id":3430,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"Master Pry Set in the Sonic Foam System","image_file":"c\/644\/602712__15478.png","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3430\/images\/5187\/602712__15478.1704223459.1280.1280.png?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3430\/images\/5187\/602712__15478.1704223459.386.513.png?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3430\/images\/5187\/602712__15478.1704223459.220.290.png?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3430\/images\/5187\/602712__15478.1704223459.44.58.png?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:24:19+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":3157,"name":"SAE & Metric Socket Set 3\/4\", 32-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"403201K","description":"
Shop our Medium Sonic Foam Systems, with integrated tool control, Warranty, and professional-grade 3\/4\" Sockets and Ratchets. Sonic's sockets are made from Chrome Vanadium steel for a of durability, strength, and corrosion resistance. (SKU: 403201, 403201-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Socket 3\/4\", 12PT: 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 41, 46, 50mm<\/li>
- Socket 3\/4\", 12PT: 7\/8\", 15\/16\", 1\", 1.1\/16\", 1.1\/8\", 1.3\/16\", 1.1\/4\", 1.5\/16\", 1.3\/8\", 1.7\/16\", 1.1\/2\", 1.5\/8\", 1.3\/4\", 1.7\/8\"<\/li>
- Ratcheting Handle 3\/4\": 60 Teeth <\/li>
- Sliding T-Handle 3\/4\"<\/li>
- Swivel Handle 3\/4\": 500mml, 20\"(L)<\/li>
- Lock-In 3\/4\" Extension: 400mml, 16\"(L)<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1910,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":4125,"product_id":3157,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":2,"description":"impact socket set","image_file":"g\/754\/403201_with_print__77673.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3157\/images\/4125\/403201_with_print__77673.1631136067.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3157\/images\/4125\/403201_with_print__77673.1631136067.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3157\/images\/4125\/403201_with_print__77673.1631136067.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3157\/images\/4125\/403201_with_print__77673.1631136067.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2021-09-08T21:21:07+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":3586,"name":"SAE Impact Socket Set, 64-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"306403K","description":"
This socket set is for all those tough to loosen bolts. Sonic's impact sockets are made from CR440 steel, offering excellent impact-resistance while still combatting the elements with its stainless properties. Included in this Medium toolset are 3\/8 and 1\/2\" 6PT SAE impact sockets in shallow and deep. (306403, 306403-CE)<\/p>
Contains:<\/strong><\/p> - Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Shallow Impact Sockets 3\/8\", 6PT: 9\/16\", 5\/8\", 11\/16\", 3\/4\", 13\/16\", 7\/8\", 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Deep Impact Sockets 3\/8\", 6PT: 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\", 11\/16\", 3\/4\", 13\/16\", 7\/8\"<\/li>
- Extension 3\/8\": 75mml<\/li>
- Bit Holder 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Universal Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Shallow Impact Sockets 1\/2\", 6PT: 1.1\/8\", 1.3\/16\", 1.1\/4\", 1.5\/16\", 1.3\/8\", 1.7\/16\", 1.1\/2\", 3\/4\", 13\/16\", 7\/8\", 15\/16\", 1\", 1.1\/16\"<\/li>
- Deep Impact Sockets 1\/2\", 6PT: 7\/8\", 13\/16\", 15\/16\", 1\", 1.1\/16\", 1.1\/8\", 1.3\/16\", 1.1\/4\", 1.5\/16\", 1.3\/8\", 1.7\/16\", 1.1\/2\"<\/li>
- Crowfeet 3\/8\": 11\/6\", 3\/4\", 13\/16\", 7\/8\", 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\"<\/li>
- Extensions 1\/2\": 75, 125, 250mml<\/li>
- Adaptors: 3\/8 x 1\/2, 3\/8 x 1\/4, 1\/2 x 3\/4, 1\/2 x 3\/8<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":940,"categories":{"0":28,"2":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":6092,"product_id":3586,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"sae impact set","image_file":"e\/783\/306403_800x447__37512.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3586\/images\/6092\/306403_800x447__37512.1704223502.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3586\/images\/6092\/306403_800x447__37512.1704223502.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3586\/images\/6092\/306403_800x447__37512.1704223502.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3586\/images\/6092\/306403_800x447__37512.1704223502.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:25:02+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":3584,"name":"SAE Socket Set 1\/4\" 3\/8\" 1\/2\", 121-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"312102K","description":"
In this toolset are 1\/4\", 3\/8\" and 1\/2\" SAE sockets that range from 3\/8\" all the way up to 1-1\/4\". This set also includes shallow and deep-well sockets and crows feet. Sonic sockets are made from Chrome Vanadium steel while socket bits are made hardened tool steel. Also included in this 121-piece set are SAE Hex bits from 3\/16\" to 5\/8\", and you get a 10-piece Hex-key set that includes sizes from 1\/16\" to 3\/8\". (SKU: 312102, 312102-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Socket 1\/4\", 12PT (SAE): 3\/16\", 7\/32\", 1\/4\", 9\/32\", 5\/16\", 11\/32\", 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Socket 1\/4\", 12PT Deep (SAE): 3\/16\", 7\/32\", 1\/4\", 9\/32\", 5\/16\", 11\/32\", 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Socket 3\/8\", 12PT (SAE): 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\"<\/li>
- Socket 3\/8\", 12PT Deep (SAE): 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\"<\/li>
- Socket 1\/2\", 12PT (SAE): 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\", 11\/16\", 3\/4\", 13\/16\", 7\/8\", 15\/16\", 1\", 1.1\/16\", 1.1\/8\", 1.3\/16\", 1.1\/4\"<\/li>
- Socket 1\/2\", 12PT Deep (SAE): 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\", 11\/16\", 3\/4\", 13\/16\"<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/4\" (SAE): 1\/8\", 5\/32\", 3\/16\", 7\/32\", 1\/4\", 5\/16\", 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 3\/8\" (SAE): 1\/8\", 5\/32\", 3\/16\", 7\/32\", 1\/4\", 5\/16\", 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/2\" (SAE): 3\/16\", 1\/4\", 9\/32\", 5\/16\", 11\/32\", 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\"<\/li>
- Hexagon Key Wrench, Extra Long Set, 10-PCS (SAE)<\/li>
- Crowfoot 3\/8\" (SAE): 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\", 11\/16\", 3\/4\", 13\/16\", 7\/8\"<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1145,"categories":{"0":28,"2":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":6077,"product_id":3584,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"sae socket set","image_file":"v\/778\/312102_800x447__72045.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3584\/images\/6077\/312102_800x447__72045.1704223502.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3584\/images\/6077\/312102_800x447__72045.1704223502.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3584\/images\/6077\/312102_800x447__72045.1704223502.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3584\/images\/6077\/312102_800x447__72045.1704223502.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:25:02+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":363,"name":"SAE Socket Set 1\/4\", 3\/8\", 1\/2\", 93-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"309301K","description":"
Shop our Medium Sonic Foam Systems, with integrated tool control, Warranty, and professional-grade SAE Sockets, Ratchets, and more. (SKU: 3093901, 309301-CE).<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- 9 Socket 1\/4\", 12PT (SAE): 3\/16\" , 7\/32\", 1\/4\", 9\/32\", 5\/16\", 11\/32\", 3\/8\", 7\/16\",1\/2\"<\/li>
- 9 Deep Socket 1\/4\", 12PT (SAE): 3\/16\", 7\/32\", 1\/4\", 9\/32\", 5\/16\", 11\/32\", 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\"<\/li>
- 7 Socket 3\/8, 12PT (SAE): 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\", 11\/16\", 3\/4\"<\/li>
- 7 Deep Socket 3\/8\", 12PT (SAE): 3\/8\", 7\/16\",1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\", 11\/16\", 3\/4\"<\/li>
- 8 Socket 1\/2\", 12PT (SAE): 13\/16\", 7\/8\", 15\/16\", 1\", 1.1\/16\", 1.1\/8\", 1.3\/16\", 1.1\/4\"<\/li>
- 8 Deep Socket 1\/2\", 12PT (SAE): 13\/16\", 7\/8\",15\/16\", 1\", 1.1\/16\", 1.1\/8\", 1.3\/16\", 1.1\/4\"<\/li>
- 4 Bit Socket Hex 1\/4\" (SAE): 1\/8\", 5\/32\", 3\/16\", 7\/32\"<\/li>
- 9 Bit Socket Hex 3\/8\" (SAE): 1\/8\", 5\/32\", 3\/16\", 7\/32\", 1\/4\", 5\/16\", 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\"<\/li>
- 5 Bit Socket Hex 1\/2\" (SAE): 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\"<\/li>
- 10 Hexagon Key Wrench Extra Long Set (SAE) 10-PCS: 1\/16\", 5\/64\", 3\/32\", 1\/8\", 5\/32\", 3\/16\", 7\/32\", 1\/4\", 5\/16\", 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Rotor Ratchet 1\/4\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 1\/4\": 72 Teeth <\/li>
- 3 Extension 1\/4\": 50, 100, 150mml, 2\"(L), 4\"(L), 6\"(L)<\/li>
- Rotor Ratchet 3\/8\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 3\/8\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- 4 Extension 3\/8\": 44, 75, 150, 250mml, 2\"(L), 3\"(L), 6\"(L), 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Ball Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Adaptor for Extensions: 1\/2\"(F) x 3\/8\"(M)<\/li>
- Rotor Ratchet 1\/2\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- 2 Extension 1\/2\": 125, 250mml, 5\", 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Ball Joint 1\/2\" <\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1145,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241,"4":277},"images":{"image0":{"id":4146,"product_id":363,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"SAE socket set","image_file":"h\/425\/309301__41492.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/363\/images\/4146\/309301__41492.1704222966.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/363\/images\/4146\/309301__41492.1704222966.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/363\/images\/4146\/309301__41492.1704222966.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/363\/images\/4146\/309301__41492.1704222966.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:16:06+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":3585,"name":"SAE Wrench Set, 40-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"604010K","description":"
Complete your tool set with this Sonic 40-piece SAE wrench set. Sonic wrenches are made from Chrome Vanadium steel for durability with excellent resistance to the elements and chemicals. This kit includes standard combination wrenches from 1\/4\"-15\/16\" and double open-end wrenches from 1\/4\"-1.1\/4\". Also included are flare nut wrenches in 1\/4\"-11\/16\", 45-degree offset ring wrenches from 1\/4\"-1\", and ratcheting wrenches from 3\/8\"-3\/4\". (SKU: 604010, 604010-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Combination Wrench: 1\/4\", 5\/16\", 3\/8\", 7\/16\", 1\/2\", 9\/16\", 5\/8\", 11\/16\", 3\/4\", 13\/16\", 7\/8\", 1-5\/16\"<\/li>
- Double Open Wrench: 1\/4 X 5\/16\", 3\/8 X 7\/16\", 1\/2 X 9\/16\", 5\/8 X 11\/16\";, 11\/16\" X 3\/4\", 13\/16 X 7\/8\", 15\/16 X 1\", 1.1\/8 X 1.1\/4\"<\/li>
- 45-Degree Offset Ring Wrench: 1\/4 X 5\/16\", 3\/8 X 7\/16\", 1\/2 X 9\/16\", 9\/16 X 5\/8\", 11\/16 X 3\/4\", 13\/16 X 7\/8\", 15\/16 X 1\"<\/li>
- Flare Nut Wrench: 1\/4 X 5\/16\", 3\/8 X 7\/16\", 1\/2 X 9\/16\", 5\/8 X 11\/16\"<\/li>
- Ratcheting Wrenches: 3\/8\", 11\/32\", 5\/16\", 5\/8\", 9\/16\", 11\/16\", 3\/4\"<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":940,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":242,"4":277},"images":{"image0":{"id":6087,"product_id":3585,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"SAE wrench set","image_file":"x\/040\/604010_800x447__50516.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3585\/images\/6087\/604010_800x447__50516.1704223502.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3585\/images\/6087\/604010_800x447__50516.1704223502.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3585\/images\/6087\/604010_800x447__50516.1704223502.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3585\/images\/6087\/604010_800x447__50516.1704223502.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:25:02+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2023,"name":"Screwdriver Set, 18-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"601808K","description":"
Sonic screwdrivers include ergonomic tri-lobe plastic handles with a rubber overmold for comfort and grip. Chrome Vanadium shafts ensure durability for years of use and a hardened tip offers maximum gripping power. Included is a Phillips 1-2, slotted 5.5, 6.5, and 8mm, extra long #2 Philips, 6.5mm slotted screwdrivers, hooks, picks, and 8\" and 12\" pry bars. (601808, 601808-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Hammer Go Through Screwdriver: PH.1, PH.2<\/li>
- Hammer Go Through Slotted Screwdriver: 5.5, 6.5, 8mm<\/li>
- Door Upholstery Panel Remover: 100mml, 9\"<\/li>
- Pry Bar: 200mml 8\", 300mml 12\"<\/li>
- Mini Degree Hook<\/li>
- Mini Straight Pick Hook 6\"<\/li>
- Degree Hook: 6 x 135<\/li>
- Full Hook: 6 x 135<\/li>
- Mini Small Angle Hook<\/li>
- Small Angle Hook: 6 x 135<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":305,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":240},"images":{"image0":{"id":4133,"product_id":2023,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"sonic screwdriver set","image_file":"c\/055\/601808__44049.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2023\/images\/4133\/601808__44049.1704223254.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2023\/images\/4133\/601808__44049.1704223254.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2023\/images\/4133\/601808__44049.1704223254.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2023\/images\/4133\/601808__44049.1704223254.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:20:54+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2758,"name":"Screwdriver Set, 24-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"602407K","description":"
Sonic screwdrivers feature a bi-material handle (polypropylene and thermoplastic vulcanizate) that are ergonomically designed for comfort as well as maximum power. Sonic screwdrivers are also chemical resistant and available in 3 different styles: standard, stubby, and extra-long. In the Sonic Foam System, tools are stored in a well organized foam inlay, so technicians can quickly access tools. The foam system features a two-tone color system for a convenient survey of missing tools. (602407, 602407-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Screwdriver TX: T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40<\/li>
- Slotted Screwdriver: 3, 3.5, 4, 5.5, 6.5, 8mm<\/li>
- Screwdriver: PH.0, PH.1, PH.2, PH.3<\/li>
- Pry Bar: 200mm, 7.9\"(L), 8\" 300mm, 11.8\"(L) 12\"<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":305,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":240},"images":{"image0":{"id":4134,"product_id":2758,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"screwdriver set","image_file":"n\/211\/602407__44634.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2758\/images\/4134\/602407__44634.1704223343.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2758\/images\/4134\/602407__44634.1704223343.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2758\/images\/4134\/602407__44634.1704223343.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2758\/images\/4134\/602407__44634.1704223343.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:22:23+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":831,"name":"Screwdriver Set, 27-PC - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"602708K","description":"
This Sonic 27-piece set includes screwdrivers with ergonomic tri-lobe plastic handles and a rubber over-mold for comfort and grip. Chrome Vanadium shafts ensure durability for years of use, and a hardened magnetic tip offers maximum gripping power. This set comes with Phillips 1-3, slotted 3, 4, 5.5, 6.5, and 8mm. It also includes stubby #1 Phillips, 5.5mm slotted, and Pozidrive (PZ) 1-3 screwdrivers. In addition to the screwdrivers, this set includes 11 Torx drivers from T6-T40, as well as 6mm and 7mm flexible nut drivers. (SKU: 602708, 602708-CE)<\/p>
Additional Information<\/h2> - Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Screwdriver TX: T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40<\/li>
- PH Screwdriver: PH.1, PH.2, PH.3<\/li>
- Slotted Screwdriver: 3, 4, 5.5, 6.5, 8mm<\/li>
- Slotted Screwdriver Stubby: 5.5mm<\/li>
- PZ Screwdriver: PZ.1, PZ.2, PZ.3<\/li>
- PZ Screwdriver Stubby: PZ.1<\/li>
- PH Screwdriver Stubby: PH.1<\/li>
- Flexible Hex Nut Screwdriver: 6, 7mm<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":415,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":240},"images":{"image0":{"id":4135,"product_id":831,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":3,"description":"screwdriver set","image_file":"p\/317\/602708__96531.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/831\/images\/4135\/602708__96531.1588695584.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/831\/images\/4135\/602708__96531.1588695584.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/831\/images\/4135\/602708__96531.1588695584.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/831\/images\/4135\/602708__96531.1588695584.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-05-05T16:19:44+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2772,"name":"Screwdriver Set, 41-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"604102K","description":"
In addition to the screwdrivers, this set includes 9 Torx drivers from T8-T40, 6-8mm flexible nut drivers, and a 10mm standard nut driver. The final touch to this 41-piece kit is a 10-piece Hex key set with sizes from 1.25-10mm and a 9-piece Torx key set with sizes ranging from T10-T50. Both key sets include a plastic folding case to keep everything organized. (604102, 604102-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Philips Screwdriver: PH.0, PH.1, PH.2, PH.3<\/li>
- Philips Stubby Screwdriver: PH.2<\/li>
- Slotted Screwdriver: 4, 5.5, 6.5, 8mm<\/li>
- Slotted Stubby Screwdriver: 5.5mm<\/li>
- Screwdriver TX: T8, T9, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40<\/li>
- Flexible Hex Nut Driver: 6, 7, 8mm<\/li>
- TX Key Set Extra Long 9-PCS: T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50<\/li>
- Hex Ball Stubby Key Set 9-PCS: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm<\/li>
- Hex Nut Driver: 10mm <\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":525,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":240},"images":{"image0":{"id":4137,"product_id":2772,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"screwdriver set","image_file":"c\/392\/604102__08665.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2772\/images\/4137\/604102__08665.1704223344.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2772\/images\/4137\/604102__08665.1704223344.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2772\/images\/4137\/604102__08665.1704223344.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2772\/images\/4137\/604102__08665.1704223344.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:22:24+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2917,"name":"Screwdrivers & Wrench Set, 29-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"602904K","description":"
Sonic combination wrenches are made from durable Chrome Vanadium steel polished to a satin finish. An open-end enables easy access to fasteners, and the closed-end 12-point design grabs tightly to all 6 sides of the fastener. This 35-piece set includes the Phillips #1 and #2 and slotted 3, 3.5, 4, 5.5, 6.5, and 8mm. Also included is a 2mm precision slotted screwdriver.<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Screwdriver: PH.1, PH.2<\/li>
- Slotted Screwdriver: 3, 3.5, 4, 5.5, 6.5, 8mm<\/li>
- Combination Wrench: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 30, 32mm<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":545,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":240,"4":242},"images":{"image0":{"id":4139,"product_id":2917,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"screwdriver wrench set","image_file":"i\/981\/602904__82616.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2917\/images\/4139\/602904__82616.1704223362.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2917\/images\/4139\/602904__82616.1704223362.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2917\/images\/4139\/602904__82616.1704223362.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2917\/images\/4139\/602904__82616.1704223362.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:22:42+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2811,"name":"Socket & Bit Socket Set 1\/2\", 95-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"309502K","description":"
This Sonic 95-piece 1\/2\" set is your go-to for sockets and for large specialty-fastener needs. Sonic ratchets and sockets are made from Chrome Vanadium steel while socket bits are made from hardened tool steel. The flank sockets have reliefs in the corners, allowing the socket to bite into the flats of the fastener, mitigating the chance of stripping. A 1\/2\" drive ratchet and breaker bar combine with shallow 6-point sockets and E-Torx sockets ready for work. Additionally, this 95-piece kit includes long and short Hex-key bits from 6mm-17mm, Torx bits from T27-T70, a spline drive, a security Torx, two extensions, and a universal-joint to ensure that you reach any fastener in any area. (309502, 309502-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32mm<\/li>
- Socket 1\/2\" TX: E10, E11, E12, E14, E16, E18, E20, E22, E24<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/2\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Adaptor for Extension: 3\/8\"(F) X 1\/2\"(M)<\/li>
- Extension 1\/2\": 125, 250mml, 5\", 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Swivel Handle 1\/2\": 380mml, 15\"(L)<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/2\": 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/2\": 100mmL, 4\"(L) - 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 1\/2\": T27, T30, T40, T45, T50, T55, T60, T70<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 1\/2\": 100mml - T27, T30, T40, T45, T50, T55, T60, T70<\/li>
- Bit Socket Tamperproof 1\/2\", TX: T27H, T30H, T40H, T45H, T50H, T55H, T60H, T70H<\/li>
- Bit Socket Spline 1\/2\": M5, M6, M8, M9, M10, M12, M14, M16<\/li>
- Bit Socket Spline 1\/2\": M16-T<\/li>
- Bit Socket Ribe 1\/2\": M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14<\/li> <\/ul>
<\/p>","calculated_price":1475,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":8619,"product_id":2811,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":4,"description":"","image_file":"h\/753\/309502__11453.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2811\/images\/8619\/309502__11453.1718828938.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2811\/images\/8619\/309502__11453.1718828938.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2811\/images\/8619\/309502__11453.1718828938.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2811\/images\/8619\/309502__11453.1718828938.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-06-19T20:28:58+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":3036,"name":"Socket & Screwdriver Set 1\/4\", 121-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"112102K","description":"
This 121-piece set includes the Philips 0-3 and slotted 3-8mm. The ratcheting multi-bit driver accepts any 1\/4\" Hex bits and an 8\" pry bar. In addition to the screwdrivers and pry bar, this set includes 1\/4\" ratchets, sockets, and bits. It also includes Hex-key and Torx-key sets. It comes with two 1\/4\" ratchets, one 60 tooth quick release, one with a rotational knob, and a flex-head 1\/4\" ratchet as well. (SKU: 112102, 112102-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam <\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant <\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Foam Size - 22.5\" x 14.5\"<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Flank Deep Socket 1\/4\", 6PT: 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Socket TX 1\/4\", 6PT: E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E10<\/li>
- Deep Socket TX 1\/4\": E4, E5, E6, E7, E8, E10<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/4\": 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 1\/4\": T8, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX Tamperproof 1\/4\": T8H, T10H, T15H, T20H, T25H, T27H, T30H, T40H<\/li>
- Tamper-Resistant 1\/4\", TX Plus (5 lobes): 10IPR, 15IPR, 20IPR, 25IPR, 27IPR, 30IPR, 40IPR<\/li>
- TX Key Set Extra Long 9-PCS: T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50<\/li>
- Hex Ball Key Set Extra Long 10-PCS: 1.27, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/4\": 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10mm<\/li>
- Magnet Socket Pickup 1\/4\"<\/li>
- Extension 1\/4\": 50, 100, 150mml<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/4\"<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 1\/4\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/4\": 60 Teeth<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/4\": 72 Teeth<\/li>
- Flexible Ratchet Handle 1\/4\": 45 Teeth<\/li>
- Slotted Screwdriver: 3, 3.5, 4, 5.5, 6.5, 8mm<\/li>
- PH Screwdriver: PH.0, PH.1, PH.2, PH.3<\/li>
- Pry Bar: 200mml, 8\"<\/li>
- 16-in-1 Ratcheting Screwdriver <\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":720,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":240,"4":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":6165,"product_id":3036,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"socket screwdriver set","image_file":"o\/233\/112102__64206.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3036\/images\/6165\/112102__64206.1704223389.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3036\/images\/6165\/112102__64206.1704223389.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3036\/images\/6165\/112102__64206.1704223389.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/3036\/images\/6165\/112102__64206.1704223389.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:23:09+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":548,"name":"Socket Screwdriver & T-Grip Set, 18-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"601807K","description":"
Sharing handles from the Sonic screwdrivers, the Sonic nut drivers include ergonomic tri-lobe plastic handles with a rubber overmold for comfort and grip. Chrome Vanadium shafts ensure durability for years of use. Nut drivers in this 18-piece set run from 6mm-13mm, and you also get the 6, 7, and 8mm flexible shaft nut drivers. (SKU: 601807, 601807-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flexible Hex Screwdriver: 6, 7, 8mm<\/li>
- Hex Screwdriver: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- T-Handle Hex Screwdriver: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":370,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":240},"images":{"image0":{"id":4143,"product_id":548,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"socket screwdriver set","image_file":"z\/846\/601807__19272.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/548\/images\/4143\/601807__19272.1704222996.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/548\/images\/4143\/601807__19272.1704222996.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/548\/images\/4143\/601807__19272.1704222996.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/548\/images\/4143\/601807__19272.1704222996.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:16:36+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1455,"name":"Socket Screwdriver, Hex and Grip Key Set, 21-PCS - MEDIUM","sku":"602105K","description":"
Sonic nut drivers include ergonomic tri-lobe plastic handles with a rubber overmold for comfort and grip. Chrome Vanadium shafts ensure durability for years of use, and the handles are embedded with the Sonic logo. Nut drivers in this 21-piece set run from 4mm-13mm, with the 7 and 8mm being flexible shaft nut drivers. (602105, 602105-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- TX Grip Key: T8, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50<\/li>
- Hex Nut Driver: 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13mm<\/li>
- Flexible Hex Nut Screwdriver: 7, 8mm<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":435,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":240},"images":{"image0":{"id":6555,"product_id":1455,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"hex key and socket driver set","image_file":"r\/946\/602105__75010.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1455\/images\/6555\/602105__75010.1704223163.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1455\/images\/6555\/602105__75010.1704223163.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1455\/images\/6555\/602105__75010.1704223163.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1455\/images\/6555\/602105__75010.1704223163.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:19:23+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1487,"name":"Socket Set 1\/2\", 61-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"306101K","description":"
Sonic ratchets and sockets are made from Chrome Vanadium steel while socket bits are made from hardened tool steel. The 1\/2\" flank sockets have reliefs in the corners, allowing the socket to bite into the flats of the fastener which mitigates the chances of stripping. In addition to the 1\/2\" drive ratchet, this set also includes a sliding T-Handle, 2 standard extensions, and 2 wobble extensions. Adapters, a universal joint, and two wheel sockets round-out this 61-PC kit. (306101, 306101-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flank Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32<\/li>
- Socket 12\", 12PT: 9, 10, 13<\/li>
- Wheel Socket 1\/2\", 6PT: 17, 19<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 1\/2\": 45 Teeth<\/li>
- Sliding T-Handle 1\/2\": 250mmL, 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Extension 1\/2\": 125mmL, 250mmL, 5\"(L), 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Wobble Extension 1\/2\": 50mmL, 125mmL, 250mmL, 2\"(L), 5\"(L), 10\"(L)<\/li>
- Universal Joint 1\/2\"<\/li>
- Adaptor for Extensions: 3\/8\"(F) x 1\/2\"(M)<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex Ball 1\/2\": 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/2\": 100mmL, 4\"(L), 6, 8<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/2\": 140mmL, 5.5\"(L) 10<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 1\/2\": 248mmL, 10\"(L) 6<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 1\/2\": T45, T50, T55, T60<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 1\/2\": 100mmL, 4\"(L) - T45<\/li>
- Bit Socket Spline 1\/2\": M8, M9, M10, M12, M14<\/li>
- Bit Socket Spline 1\/2\": M16-T<\/li>
- Bit Socket Spline 1\/2\": 100mmL - M8, M10, M12, M14<\/li>
- Bit Socket Ribe 1\/2\": 100mmL, 4\"(L), M9<\/li>
- Socket 3\/4\", 12PT: 34<\/li>
- Bit Socket Impact Spline 3\/4\": M18<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1090,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241},"images":{"image0":{"id":4114,"product_id":1487,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":3,"description":"1\/2 socket set","image_file":"p\/948\/306101_v4__59843.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1487\/images\/4114\/306101_v4__59843.1588623316.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1487\/images\/4114\/306101_v4__59843.1588623316.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1487\/images\/4114\/306101_v4__59843.1588623316.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1487\/images\/4114\/306101_v4__59843.1588623316.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-05-04T20:15:16+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":2034,"name":"Utility Set, 44-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"604402K","description":"
There's several tools in this set that will save your day. While files and a hacksaw may seem routine, having it within reach is the real luxury. A 9-inch vernier caliper and a tire-tread depth-gauge deliver real measurements for informed decisions. Adjust valves are no problem with the 26-piece feeler gauge and a stainless-steel protractor will help you determine the right angle. Get precise measurements with our 5-meter measuring tape. (604402, 604402-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Auto Center Punch<\/li>
- Mini Hacksaw 11\"<\/li>
- Saw Blade 3-PCS<\/li>
- Feeler Gauge 26-PCS<\/li>
- Vernier Caliper 9\"<\/li>
- Stainless Steel Straight Rule 30cm 12\"<\/li>
- Stainless Steel Protractor <\/li>
- Measuring Tape: 197\" (5M)<\/li>
- Steel Wire Brush 9\"<\/li>
- Wedge Universal: 7.5 x 1.2\" (190 x 30mm)<\/li>
- Pry Bar: 380mml<\/li>
- Tire Profile Gauge: 2\" (50mm)<\/li>
- Flat File 8\"<\/li>
- Half Round File 8\"<\/li>
- Round File 8\"<\/li>
- Triangular File 8\"<\/li>
- Utility Knife (including 10 blades)<\/li>
- Spare Blades Dispenser 10-PCS<\/li>
- Brake Caliper File<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":590,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":235,"4":244},"images":{"image0":{"id":4149,"product_id":2034,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":3,"description":"sonic utility tool set","image_file":"s\/426\/604402__92217.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2034\/images\/4149\/604402__92217.1588697499.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2034\/images\/4149\/604402__92217.1588697499.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2034\/images\/4149\/604402__92217.1588697499.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/2034\/images\/4149\/604402__92217.1588697499.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-05-05T16:51:39+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1371,"name":"Wrench & Socket Set 3\/8\", 78-PCS - MEDIUM SFS","sku":"207801K","description":"
Our 78-piece set hits the target with some of the most used hand tools in one foam kit. All the sockets and ratchets are 3\/8\" drive. You get a standard 8-inch 3\/8\" ratchet and a 3\/8\" flex-head ratchet. Five extensions and a universal joint adds functionality to the entire set. Four spark plug sockets are included in 14, 16, 18, and 21mm sizes. (207801, 207801-CE)<\/p>
Details:<\/strong><\/p> - Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Flank Socket 3\/8\", 6PT: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19mm<\/li>
- Shallow Socket TX 3\/8\": E7, E8, E10, E11, E12, E14<\/li>
- Flare Nut Wrench: 8X10, 11X13, 12X14<\/li>
- Combination Wrench: 6, 7, 8, 10 ,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22<\/li>
- Powerful LED Pen Flashlight<\/li>
- Disc Ratchet 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Ratchet Handle 3\/8\": 45 Teeth<\/li>
- Extension 3\/8\": 2, 3, 6, 8, 10\"<\/li>
- Universal Joint 3\/8\"<\/li>
- Shallow Cardan Socket 3\/8\", 12PT: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19mm<\/li>
- Spark Plug Socket 3\/8\": 16, 18, 21mm<\/li>
- Spark Plug Clip Socket 3\/8\", 12PT: 14mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket Hex 3\/8\": 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12mm<\/li>
- Bit Socket TX 3\/8\": T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50<\/li>
- Bit Socket Spline 3\/8\": M4 ,M5, M6, M8, M9, M10, M12<\/li>
- Midiform Work Lamp with Top Flash Light <\/li>
- Flexible Ratchet 3\/8\": 45 Teeth <\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1050,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":241,"4":242},"images":{"image0":{"id":6344,"product_id":1371,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":0,"description":"socket and wrench set","image_file":"x\/305\/207801__51549.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1371\/images\/6344\/207801__51549.1704223147.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1371\/images\/6344\/207801__51549.1704223147.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1371\/images\/6344\/207801__51549.1704223147.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1371\/images\/6344\/207801__51549.1704223147.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2024-01-02T19:19:07+00:00"}},"size":"medium"},{"id":1561,"name":"Wrench Set, 30-pcs-MEDIUM","sku":"603003K","description":"
Sonic wrenches are made from Chrome Vanadium steel for strength and resistance to the elements and chemicals. Hinged socket wrenches offer the benefits of a ratchet and socket with a different size on each end. Seven wrenches cover metric sizes from 6mm-19mm. Twelve reversible ratcheting wrenches include a reversing lever to change directions without turning the wrench over, with ranging sizes from 8mm-19mm. Flare-nut wrenches from 8mm-27mm and star wrenches in sizes from E6-E24 complete this Sonic 30-piece wrench set. (603003, 603003-CE)<\/p>
- Tool Sizes Engraved in Foam<\/li>
- Laser Cut and Chemical Resistant<\/li>
- Warranty and 24-Hour Online Tool Exchange<\/li>
- Reversible Ratcheting Wrench, 12PT: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19mm<\/li>
- Hinged Socket Wrench: 6X7, 8X9, 10X11, 12X13, 14X15, 16X17, 18X19mm<\/li>
- Flare Nut Wrench: 8X10, 11X13, 12X14, 16X18, 17X19, 19X22, 24X27mm<\/li>
- TX Wrench: E6XE8, E10XE12, E14XE18, E20XE24<\/li> <\/ul>","calculated_price":1025,"categories":{"0":28,"1":89,"3":242},"images":{"image0":{"id":4152,"product_id":1561,"is_thumbnail":true,"sort_order":2,"description":"sonic wrench set","image_file":"p\/035\/603003_v2__19466.jpg","url_zoom":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1561\/images\/4152\/603003_v2__19466.1588697833.1280.1280.jpg?c=2","url_standard":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1561\/images\/4152\/603003_v2__19466.1588697833.386.513.jpg?c=2","url_thumbnail":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1561\/images\/4152\/603003_v2__19466.1588697833.220.290.jpg?c=2","url_tiny":"https:\/\/\/s-ho8qbs43oe\/products\/1561\/images\/4152\/603003_v2__19466.1588697833.44.58.jpg?c=2","date_modified":"2020-05-05T16:57:13+00:00"}},"size":"medium"}]